List of the Big Data Hadoop Ecosystem/technology Frameworks
Ambari: Deployment, configuration and monitoring
Avro: Data serialization system
Chukwa: Data collection system for monitoring large distributed systems
Flume: Collection and import of log and event data
HBase: Column-oriented database scaling to billions of rows
HCatalog: Schema and data type sharing over Pig, Hive and MapReduce
HDFS: Distributed redundant file system for Hadoop
Hive: Data warehouse with SQL-like access
Mahout: Library of machine learning and data mining algorithms
MapReduce: Parallel computation on server clusters
Pig: High-level programming language for Hadoop computations
Oozie: Orchestration and workflow management
Sqoop: Imports data from relational databases
Spark: A fast and general compute engine for Hadoop data.
Tez: A generalized data-flow programming framework, built on Hadoop YARN,
Whirr: Cloud-agnostic deployment of clusters
Zookeeper: Configuration management and coordination